Kinnoull Bowling Club

Kinnoull Bowling Club
Muirhall Terrace, Perth PH2 7ES, Tel 01738 624071

Kinnoull Website

We are now in our thrid season when our club website will be in operation and available to our members and the public alike. Parts of the website are password protected and can only be accessed by club members, a requirement for data protection.

The committee hope that the website will continue to provide our members with access to useful information, which will also be displayed within the clubhouse as normal, and that it will not reduce membership attendance at the club.

I would urge you to ensure that you are familiar with the website and continue to spread the word that it is now available, which may attract non members to consider joining our club.

If you experience any problems in setting up your password, want any other information or, wish to provide any feedback please contact our website controller Graham Cox.

