Kinnoull Bowling Club

Kinnoull Bowling Club
Muirhall Terrace, Perth PH2 7ES, Tel 01738 624071

Bar Opening

We have a well-stocked bar offering a range of drinks at very competitive prices.

Playing Season (Second Saturday in April to Last Saturday in September)

Mon – Thu 19.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs (earlier or later closing as demand dictates)

Fri 18.30 hrs to 23.00hrs

Sat 13.00 hrs to 19.00 hrs (earlier or later closing as demand dictates)

Only open on Saturdays when there is a home friendly, closed on all other Saturdays

Sun Closed

The bar may also be open on other Saturdays or Sundays when there may be a Special Event being held on the green or in the clubhouse to which members are eligible to attend. The dates and times of bar opening as a result will be notified to the members by the committee.

Closed Season (Last Saturday in September to Second Saturday in April)

Fri 19.30 hrs to 23.00 hrs

During the closed season the bar is only open on a Friday night to enable socialising between all members. Should there be Special Events held to which members are eligible to attend the dates and times of bar opening will be notified to the members by the committee.