Kinnoull Bowling Club

Kinnoull Bowling Club
Muirhall Terrace, Perth PH2 7ES, Tel 01738 624071

Opening Times

The Club does not operate official opening and closing times on a daily basis. On joining the club all Full and Associate bowling members are issued with a clubhouse key and a locker key, free of charge which must be returned whenever membership is ceased. This allows the Full and Associate bowling members to access the clubhouse at all times throughout the year. Social members are only admitted to the club when a Full or Associate member is in attendance.

Playing Season

Full and Associate bowling members can play on the green each day at any time between 10.00am and sunset during the playing season, which normally runs from opening Day on the second Saturday in April to Closing Day on the last Saturday in September.

Exceptions to this are closure of the green by the green staff to carry out essential maintenance work or closure due to weather conditions. The green will also be closed for special events, e.g., our own Invitation Rinks and Top 5 competitions, and major events allocated to the club by Bowls Scotland and the Perthshire Bowling Association. The dates and times of these closures being notified to the members by the committee.

Throughout the season, club ties, Bowls Scotland ties, Perthshire Bowling Association ties, Perth & District League league matches, Campbell Trophy league matches and John Annandale league matches will have rink preference.

Closed Season

During the closed season, which normally runs from the last Saturday in September to the second Saturday in April, the clubhouse and bar is only officially open on a Friday night between 19.30 hrs and 23.00 hrs. This is to allow all members the opportunity to meet socially during the closed season. Dominos, cards, and snooker / pool are available to those who may wish to participate. In addition, there may also be some special events during the closed season, e.g., race night, quiz night, the dates and times of which will be notified to the membership by the committee.